
Our research has established the existence of many spirits who share our space and interact with us in many different ways. We also established the desirability of managing these spirits, so their actions are harmoniously coordinated and produce results that forward our interests.

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Management is the act of creating and maintaining an environment wherein the members of a group can work together and achieve desired objectives efficiently and effectively. This is not a one-step activity, nor is it necessarily a top-down activity where all command and control actions take place at the very top level.

Ideally, an organization should have an awareness of its overall goals and objectives at every level in the organization. In addition, at every level in the organization, there should be an awareness of the goals and objectives of the levels immediately above and below that level so that actions performed are coordinated harmoniously with those levels.

For top performance, there needs to be an awareness of outside threats and opportunities at every point in the organization, and a means to distribute this knowledge to the rest of the organization so it can be acted upon.

The creation of an organization with these attributes will require the collection of data, assignment of roles, and execution of tasks, and this is best performed in a repeating cycle until the final objective is attained.

Each of us is a group of spirits who have accumulated over many lifetimes. Since we are all immortal beings, the group has been together for a very long time. New members are being added constantly, and old members drop away when we are no longer doing things that interest them. If we communicate with our spiritual companions every day, we can stay abreast of what they are interested in and wish to share with us.

If we consider that we are shepherds for our flock of spirits, we keep our attention on how they are doing, and we take responsibility for the changes that are needed and are occurring to them. Our spiritual companions exhibit many different levels of life force and have many levels of awareness also. Some beings have advanced degrees and led truly challenging lives in the past. In order to keep them around, we need to be doing challenging and interesting projects. We also have beings who animate individual cells. Learning what they need and providing what they need to thrive will keep our bodies operational for as long as we need them.

Regulating and directing activities is how we get the results we need, but this direction will only produce desired results if we have accumulated the correct knowledge and taken responsibility for actually getting the job done as planned.

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Abdicating responsibility and control of your life and allowing stray spirits to call the shots can result in your ending up in a situation worse than the one you were in. Being alone and friendless is not the worst that can happen. Those who end up in jail or institutionalized are examples of failing to take responsibility for and failing to control your actions.

With all of the beings available to you on a continuing basis, try to choose those who can help you live better, and achieve true happiness. Repeat the cycle of applying knowledge, responsibility, and control until you achieve your objectives.

Posted in Achieving Peace of Mind, Possibly Helpful Advice | Leave a comment


If you search the Internet for walk-ins, you will find enough material to keep you busy for weeks. I have come up with a simple solo procedure that will allow you to increase your awareness of whether you have been or experienced a walk-in. We will be demonstrating this procedure this Saturday and Sunday in our free workshop and webinar. See the details below.

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Some of the explanations are beautifully inspiring, like this one: 

如何上youtube网站 are spiritual messengers who enter behind the veil of another personality at an opportune moment to lend service to humanity. By not having to go through the programming of childhood, a soul can get right to the business of carrying out a divine mission to help others adjust as the earth ascends into the fifth dimension. 

Other explanations are right on target:

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The most frequent explanation is easy to comprehend, even if it is incomplete and misleading:

A walk-in is a new-age concept of a person whose original soul has departed his or her body and has been replaced with a new, generally more advanced soul. Ruth Montgomery popularized the concept in her 1979 book, Strangers Among Us. 

I have just published two articles that describe the mechanics of a walk-in, how it occurs, etc., and how to deal with it when it is discovered and I felt I had covered the matter satisfactorily. However, a recent discussion with my SRT Academy students brought up the idea of “quiet” walk-ins who did not make obvious changes but waited for an opportune moment to take action. A demonstration process during one of those meetings revealed that I had executed multiple walk-ins during earlier lifetimes. This was s surprise, but it resonated with me, and I felt it was worth looking into.

The comments and the uncovering of my personal history prompted me to do some solo research and discover, if possible, what the real situation is regarding walk-ins. My research revealed that I have experienced multiple walk-ins this lifetime and did not realize it!

My research showed me a simple way to uncover the major personality shifts that changed my life and why they occurred. 

The real story is that the majority of walk-ins were spirits looking for shelter from an existence they could no longer confront. When they joined with me, they remained passive passengers until some external influence triggered them to take control. Once they took control, they often remained in control until they had changed the environment for the better, and then they sank into oblivion or left.

In looking at the lives of family and friends, I could now see the reasons why they made severe changes in their lifestyles. Typically, they would be trying to lead a normal life in the face of escalating threats or irreconcilable difficulties, and at some point, another being was inspired to take over and resolve things through departure or a significant change in behavior. 

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Since there was really no change in the basic personality, the person might repeat the exact behavior which got them in trouble the first time. There are Spiritual Rescue Technology procedures to deal with this, but they are beyond the purpose of this article. Our initial desire is to reveal the solo procedures for discovering if you have been affected by walk-ins. These procedures also lead to the resolution of personal issues that were not approachable by other means.

We all have the potential of exhibiting alternate personalities because we are surrounded by spiritual beings who have been with us for years and many lifetimes. Our success in life depends on our ability to recognize and manage these other spirits so that we all work together in harmony. Caring for our spiritual partners and managing them well is the best way to achieve a happy and productive existence.

We have been taught for years that we are a spirit managing a body. We try to train ourselves to do the best we can. This is an image corresponding to this belief: 

In Spiritual Rescue Technology, we discover that there are a lot of spirits trying to manage our lives and our body. Our desire is to train ourselves to manage the group for maximum efficiency. If we do not recognize this very real situation and just try to get by without caring for our passengers, this is the image we are living:

If you feel that your life is full of cross purposes, you need to organize your passengers or get a bigger bus.

This weekend, we will practice some solo sessions to increase your awareness of walk-in situations. I think you will find the results to be very entertaining.

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On Sunday, August 2nd, we will hold a webinar where we actually work out ways to resolve walk-in issues once they are discovered. We hope to discuss ways to avoid unwanted walk-ins and to promoter desired walk-ins when needed. Join me on Zoom at 12 noon EST using this link: http://zoom.us/j/4710611444

The fee is $10 and can be paid using this link: paypal.me/DavidStLawrence/10

I will be unavailable on Monday, August 3rd so you can use the free time to round up any stray walk-ins and see what use you can make of them. Every being in your group of spiritual companions joined you for some reason, either as a walk-in or as a partner in some disaster that welded you all together. They can be a source of information and power for you if you manage them properly. Learning to manage them well is an excellent investment in your future.

Posted in 大家都是怎么上外网的呢, Spiritual Counseling, Taking Control of Your Life | 中国怎么上youtube


There must be barriers to telepathy or everyone would be doing it. Those of us who have experienced it know how infrequently it happens but will never forget what we perceived.

In our SRT Academy meeting today, we hoped to remove some barriers to interpersonal telepathy, but we soon realized we could not get to first base because the barriers defied our efforts to identify them. It is difficult to remove something if you cannot identify what is causing it.

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